
The way to C#: microDI.NET

TL;DR: there is another DI library for C#, it's here - https://bitbucket.org/pavel-xrayz13/microdi.net - use it as you want.

It was interesting for me to start small project in another programming language just for fun. So here it is: microDI.NET.

It's focused on small applications and main idea is to be tiny as much as could it be. There are no plans to confront with huge ones like NInject or Castle, because they are already here with huge auditory and with a lots of cool features. Yes, you can use in big projects, but the library might not satisfy your needs.

So what are my primary two goals:
  1. Make it so simple as I could
  2. Easy to extend and modify

Simplification meaning is tiny in size and the code is easy to understand. "Easy to extend and modify" speaks for itself, but another thing what I'd like to raise is documentation. The last goal is also about clean documentation, because I've seen a lot of frameworks and libraries that have really crude docs. Documentation of microDI is still poor(because it's available only in README.md file in repository) for now, but I'm working on it.
Also the whole library is licensed under MIT License terms, so you are free to use it as you want.
Plans for the future:
  • Full documentation
  • Support for auto-disposing IDisposable objects
  • More unit tests
  • Performance improvements

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